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Galadriel Watson Originals

Galadriel Watson Originals


Fulfill your craving to add must-have design to your life!

My linocut prints explore the power of art when it comes to expressing emotions, voicing opinions, and honouring the beauty and joy that surround us.

To do so, I rely on bold, stylized graphics to create contemporary, unconventional, one-of-a-kind visuals, often incorporating words into my images, both English and French.

For inspiration, I look to art deco, pop art, letterpress printing, vintage posters, street art and more. I also, of course, draw on the vibrancy of existence itself.

I print limited quantities of each design, which are numbered and individually signed. However, each print remains unique. This is due the handmade nature of printmaking, which produces subtle differences based on the alignment of the paper and linocut, ink coverage and pressure while printing.

Every piece also has a story behind it. Click on the images below to learn more—and to collect a Galadriel Watson Original of your own!

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Lovely Comments

"We received your beautiful artwork today (toi et moi).
You are very talented and the work is so beautiful!"

Ontario, Canada

"Thank you so much for your incredible submission!
I'd actually been hoping to receive something in this style someday and I LOVE it."

Publication Editor
British Columbia, Canada

The Creative Questioner

  • Should an artist explain their artwork?

    Should an artist explain their artwork?

    I started selling my linocut print art recently, and a question has hounded me: Should an artist tell potential buyers what their work is “about”? Or should they let viewers create their own interpretations? A study suggests that providing meaning matters!

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  • Enjoy casually or consider carefully?

    Enjoy casually or consider carefully?

    Here I tackle the question: Enjoy casually or consider carefully: Is there a right way to view art? If you want to lower stress and anxiety and boost well-being, which approach do you think is best? A study out of Montreal gives us a clue to the answer.

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